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Thomasville Dillard Fabric Convertible Sleeper Sectional

Item Id: 24282
Title: Thomasville Dillard Fabric Convertible Sleeper Sectional
Original Price: $913.24
Sales Tax (9.5%): $86.76
Total Price: $1000
Optional Delivery Fee*: $150.00* (negotiable)
Optional Installation Fee*: $100.00* (negotiable)
Description: Fair well loved condition. Needs to be cleaned and has a few stains that won’t come out. Photos are from a new one we previously had, working on getting more photos. Ask about delivery or coming to see it in person.
Dimensions: 121in L x 94.3in W x 36.2in H
Condition: Used - Good
Brand: Thomasville
Color: Beige
Status: Active